f1 0 f2 1
171 avión plane, airplane, aircraft
172 boletos tickets, coupons
173 vas a you're, attend, will
174 maletas suitcases, Luggage, bags
175 va a is, she's, will
176 pasaportes passports
177 voy a will, i'm
178 próximo next, nearest, ahead
179 popular popular, folk
180 la más the most
31 imagen image, picture
32 salsa sauce, salsa, dip
33 ligero lit, mild, light
34 todos all, all of, everybody
35 los necesita (she) needs them, (he) needs them
36 abro I'm opening, drive, open
37 cierro close, (I) close, (?) should I close
38 malo mean, bad, wrong
39 lento slow, slowly
40 paquete package, pack
1 luego later, then, later on
2 pensar to think, (to) think about, (to) expect
3 venimos (we) are coming, (we) come, (we) arrive
4 pensando thinking, planning, think
5 piensa do you plan, (he) plans, (he) thinks
6 pensamos (we) thought, (we) think, (we) are think
7 por supuesto of course
8 pienso think, planning, figured
9 decir to say, (to) say to oneself, tell
10 gustar to like
1 luego later, then, later on
2 pensar to think, (to) think about, (to) expect
3 venimos (we) are coming, (we) come, (we) arrive
4 pensando thinking, planning, think
5 piensa do you plan, (he) plans, (he) thinks
6 pensamos (we) thought, (we) think, (we) are think
7 por supuesto of course
8 pienso think, planning, figured
9 decir to say, (to) say to oneself, tell
10 gustar to like