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Codes: A=Show Spa & Eng E=Show only Spanish I=Show only English
Click X to remove show line R=restore N=next 10
Codigos: A=Mostrar espanol e ingles E=Mostrar solo espanol I=Mostrar solo ingles
Haga clic en X para eliminar la linea de presentacon R=restaurar N=siguientes
01 luego later, then, later on
02 pensar to think, (to) think about, (to) expect
03 venimos (we) are coming, (we) come, (we) arrive
04 pensando thinking, planning, think
05 piensa do you plan, (he) plans, (he) thinks
06 pensamos (we) thought, (we) think, (we) are think
07 por supuesto of course
08 pienso think, planning, figured
09 decir to say, (to) say to oneself, tell
10 gustar to like
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